This is a test page and sampler of micro-organism specimen movies made
using Quicktime Pro 7 as codec/compression software.
Instruments : Canon S3 IS still camera operating in movie-mode.
Meiji microscope and optics.
Movies are in Quicktime .MP4 protocol. A free and up to date
Quicktime Player will play these movies.
See bottom of page for Quicktime download details.
Note : Safari browser
users : There is a bug in Safari that causes these movies
to only appear as text.
But you can download these movies by right clicking (or control + clicking)
the links and selecting "Download linked file".
Then they should play in your Mac's quicktime player.
Astasia in metaboly 1000x brightfield
plan 100/1.25 oil
( I'm pretty sure this is Astasia)
22 seconds 1.7 Mb
Paramecium navigating the slide 100x Phase contrast
27 seconds 2.3 Mb
Arcella "test pattern" ( A "test" is an amoeba's shell.)
25 seconds 2.1 Mb
Arcella Amoeba 1000x Brightfield plan 100/1.25
In motion, underside, pseudopodia
25 seconds
2.1 Mb
Arcella Amoeba 1000x brightfield plan
100/1.25 oil
Arcella turns on its side
48 seconds 3.9 Mb
Arcella Amoeba 1000x brightfield plan
100/1.25 oil
Amoeba in motion, with Chaetonotus
metazoan passby 23 seconds 1.9 Mb
Paramecium spins 200x Phase contrast
15 seconds 1.2 Mb
Amoeba ( not identified as yet ) 1000x brightfield
plan 100/1.25 oil
13 seconds
1.1 Mb
Urocentrum turbo 100x Darkfield
11 seconds 971 Kb
Epistylis emerges 1000x brightfield plan
100/1.25 oil
1 minute 14 seconds 5.9 Mb
I made another movie test page using DivX software but I think that Quicktime
as codec is superior.
FREE Quicktime download for Windows computers available at
FREE Quicktime download for Mac computers available at
Comments, identifications and criticism welcome.
Thomas Ashcraft
New Mexico