A Sonic Extrapolation into the Moment
Saddam's Death
Click button just below for .mp3
4 minutes 4 seconds 5.7 MB
Optional worknotes and timeline:
Set, Setting: The Hanging Room
Saddam at the gallows audibly praying,
Saddam being taunted by his executioners, Saddam praying calmly,
More taunting from the hangmen; Saddam tells them to fuck off.
At 1 minute 39 seconds.....the trap door opens with a resounding whang!
Saddam drops, his neck breaks...... ( Begin Extrapolation
A violent and catastrophic assault on the organism:
Inner throbbing, pulsing, flashing;
Possible DMT release at death?
chemical release from pineal, memory spillage;
sounds and hearing ...............inner hearing and outer hearing
Thomas Ashcraft
( Note : This piece incorporates the bootleg cellphone recording
Saddam's actual hanging that appeared throughout the internet.