Here are two recordings made with a Sony MZ-M100 HI-MD recorder using the
small lapel microphone Sony ECM-DS70P that was packaged with the recorder.
Something Startled the Birds
: 2 min 6 sec : 1.9 Mb
Bosque del Apache, New Mexico
"Something startled the birds and set them flying in all directions.
Thousands of them, all at once....."
Coyote Penetrates My Dreaming
: 47 seconds 1.5 Mb
Near Eldorado, New Mexico
This recording is of a coyote waking me up in the middle of the night, outside
my bedroom window.
To my ears, when the ambient field is loud enough then the little microphone
is kind of okay.
When the ambient field is quiet, then the microphone is prone to some hiss.
Thomas Ashcraft