Jovian Radio Bursts and Beam Sweeps

As of this writing jovian radio bursts and their ultimate origins are still a mystery to a large degree.

At certain moments, when Jupiter is in orbital proximity to planet Earth, jovian electro-magnetic "storm" emissions will sweep across the Earth. 
If we are outside when it is happening and Jupiter is in direct line of sight in the sky these bursts will actually hit us on the head!  Though we cannot feel nor hear
these bursts with our normal neurological sensitivities, ultrasensitive radios can detect them and make them audible and radiospectrographs can make them visible.

Below is a collection of radiospectrographs and audio specimens.


Caution :  Sound files are sort of loud so please beware of your initial volume settings.


April 2, 2004  Io-B S-bursts 0425 UT

April 2, 2004  Io-B S-bursts 3.5 second detail


March 19, 2004  Io-B S-bursts  0208:20 UT


March 19, 2004  Io-B S-bursts  0225:40UT


Io-B bursts at 1/2 Speed


March 19, 2004  S-Bursts


Io-B Bursts


March 19, 2004  Io-B    S-Bursts


Pule & Power

Any comments, criticisms, insights are welcome.

Thomas Ashcraft
