April 29, 2006 More Solar Radio Bursts (stronger today)
Click just below for an audio specimen recorded in stereo at 22.2 MHz and 18.7 MHz.
Headphones will let you hear this burst event
as it drifts down in frequency, hitting first at 22.2 MHz in one earphone,
then a moment later it will pass down through 18.7 MHz in the other earphone.
Also, the above particular emission specimen may have emanated from an active
region that is just now coming around the northeast limb of the Sun.
Analysis is not yet complete but you can see a movie of this time period
And another burst:
Click just below for a strong Type III solar burst, also called a "fast
drift burst". This particular burst shoots fast
through the earphones as it passes down from 22.2 MHz through 18.7
And another "fast drift burst" later in the day:
The following audio specimen is 22.2 MHz monophonic only due to some interference
that penetrated
my 18.7 MHz channel at the moment of the emission. Yet, it is still a good
example of a Type III radio burst.
Click below for an audio collection of
various types of solar radio bursts
Images above were captured live from the University of Florida Radio
Observatory Spectrograph
Thank you UFRO and NASA's Radio Jove program. http://radiojove.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Special thanks to Dick Flagg : spectrograph hardware fabrication ;
Jim Sky : software: www.radiosky.com
Wes Greenman and Francisco Reyes and all at UFRO who operate this fine instrument.
All audio recordings were made with my radio telescope array in New
Thomas Ashcraft
Click below for Heliotown proper