Type V Solar Radio Burst
"Ah, the sound and powerful rush of counter-streaming
Langmuir Waves."
Specimen recorded : September 12, 2005 1636
22.222 MHz right channel : 22.714 MHz left channel
Origin : Great Sunspot Region 10798/808
( Headphones encouraged. Listen at moderate to high volume for best
effect. )
Click below for audio
1 minute 11 seconds 1.1 Mb size
"Type V solar radio bursts are defined as continuum emission following
a Type III burst,
x-mode polarized (opposite sense to the associated Type III). The cause
is slower
Type III-like electrons in widely diverging magnetic fields, with both
forward and counterstreaming
Langmuir Waves, perhaps generated by the previous passage of Type III
More solar radio recordings
Thomas Ashcraft
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