March 4, 2008  0711 UT  ( 12:11 am MST )

Observer's Comments:  Clear night. The only fireball of the night in visual range.

Movies :
Movie 1, Sandia Laboratory Sentinel camera capture, without sound:    770 KB  6 seconds

Movie 2, Ashcraft's system with sound,  dual channel forward scatter audio:
FB20080304_0711ut_Ashcraft.mp4    1.4 MB  26 seconds

Dual forward scatter spectrograph of fireball :  61.250 MHz above white line, 83.250 MHz below white line.
Fireball during the 0711 UT minute on graph.

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Thomas Ashcraft
35.50 North Lat.  105.89 West  Long.
New Mexico


To Heliotown and more various specimens