Observer's Comments: Still very low fireball
rates. Only two meteors near fireball size the entire night over New Mexico.
Movies :
Movie 1, Sandia National
Laboratories Sentinel camera capture, without sound:
782 KB 6 seconds
Below: Radio spectrogram of the time of the
meteor. 61.250 MHz reception above white line, 83.250 MHz
below white line.
Meteor occurs during 11:09 UT minute. All other dots and
blips on graph are small space dust particles. Meteor 2 : April 15,
2008 0736 UT
Observer's Comments: This meteor was not captured
by Sentinel but the secondary system with sound caught it.
Meteor is a quick streak screen bottom center slanting downward right. Hard
to see.
Note : the movie file is 5.3 MB.
Movie 1, Ashcraft's video
and forward scatter system with sound:
Nice radio reflection. FB20080415_0736ut_Ashcraft.mp4
5.3 MB 42 seconds
Below: Radio spectrogram of the time of the
meteor. 61.250 MHz reception above white line, 83.250 MHz
below white line.
Meteor occurs during 07:36 UT minute. All other dots and
blips on graph are small space dust particles.