Fireball 1 : February
24, 2008 0636:50 UT
Observer's Comments: This fireball passed over the vicinity
of Las Cruces, New Mexico.
It was a relatively large ( magnitude -8 ? ) fireball and made only
minimal forward scatter radio
reflections as can be heard in movie 2 below. Interestingly, there
is a pattern of larger fireballs making
only smallish reflections compared to their size. I am accumulating
data on this seeming anomaly.
Movie : Sandia National Laboratories Sentinel system, capture
box, no sound.
865 KB 6 seconds
Movie 2: Ashcraft's Forward Scatter Video System, same fireball
with audio
61.250 MHz right channel and 83.250 MHz left channel
964 KB 19 seconds
Radio Spectrograph of this fireball:
The spectrograph below shows only minimal
radio signature at around the 0637 minute.
If you listen closely with headphones you
can hear it.
Thomas Ashcraft
35.50 North Lat. 105.89 West Long.
New Mexico
To Heliotown and more various specimens