Movie 2 : Ashcraft's forward scatter
system, video and sound:
Fairly faint radio reflection. Audible in headphones. FB20080703_0539ut_Ashcraft.mp4
6 seconds 524 KB
Radio spectrogram of the time of the
above meteor. 61.250 MHz reception above white line,
83.250 MHz below white line.
Meteor above occurs during the 0539
UT minute. All other dots are space dust particles.
Movie 2 : Ashcraft's forward scatter
system, video and sound:
Not very strong but an interesting radio reflection. FB20080703_0713ut_Ashcraft.mp4 22 seconds 2.2 MB
Radio spectrogram of the time of the
above meteor. 61.250 MHz reception above white line,
83.250 MHz below white line.
Meteor above occurs during the 0713
UT minute. All other dots are space dust particles.
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